Del-Ton, Incorporated provides a diverse selection of 5.56 caliber rifles. The 5.56 rifle is highly sought after in a wide range of scenarios, catering to both casual weekend marksmen and experienced field operatives. The demand for a top-notch AR15 5.56 firearm system appears to be universal. Del-Ton takes great pleasure in presenting its clientele with an assortment of 5.56 NATO rifles, featuring various enhancements such as hammer-forged barrels and chrome-lined carriers. Each 5.56 carbine system offered by Del-Ton is meticulously crafted from rigorously tested components. These reliable attributes and cutting-edge ergonomics not only enhance your shooting skills but also facilitate portability. Del-Ton's collection of complete 5.56 AR rifles undoubtedly caters to those with a discerning taste.