CMMG, renowned for its versatile AR-15 rifles, introduces the innovative DISSENT series, offering a distinct departure from conventional designs. Featuring a unique compact action coupled with a direct impingement system, the DISSENT eliminates the need for a buffer system, accommodating folding or collapsible stocks effortlessly. This model includes a picatinny rail end cap, allowing customization with preferred stocks or braces. The DISSENT's compact action integrates a forward-mounted non-reciprocating side charging handle, switchable to either side for enhanced versatility. An adjustable gas block enables precise tuning for various ammunition types or optimal performance with suppressors. This forward-thinking approach makes the DISSENT a standout in the AR-15 arena, promising an exceptional shooting experience tailored to individual preferences. Discover why the CMMG DISSENT stands out as one of the most exciting new designs in the market today, far beyond your average AR-15.